My day job is doing clerical work.....mostly scanning stacks and stacks of paper files into the computer database. It's tedious, but I'm allowed to listen to my iPod while working, so in preparation for the big first day, I spent the night before downloading a bunch of podcasts to help pass the time. I'm already hooked on one called "More Hip Than Hippie" ( It's an awesome show about practical and affordable green living. Both entertaining and informative. One of the hosts also runs a business called Green Feet. Check out the online store! There's some great stuff there and most of it is decently priced. ( Ok, enough advertising.
I'd like to end each of my posts with a brief Thought of The Day. Just an idea or impression that I've had over the course of the day that might be fun or helpful to share. Today's has to do with connectedness. Singularity. Something I was told in a mindfulness session that has never left me. Nothing truly ever goes out of existence. Think of clouds, for example. They never actually cease to exist, they merely change forms. Rain or snow which feed into the earth sustaining plants and nature and so live eternally through them. These plants, in turn, sustain wildlife, and so on. It's all a big circle. I believe the same is true of human life - that it can never be truly extinguished. It's so easy to see things in terms of life and death, but take both out of the equation and see how your view of the world changes. Life is energy. And energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It merely is. It is eternal. Therefore, some aspect of our being will always live on, even after our physical bodies have perished. It's just a thought. I may be wrong. But either way, I find it comforting. It's beautiful, really.
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